Explore website maintenance service plans

Security patches & CMS updates

$200 / month
Send me a proposal
  • Quarterly CMS security patches
  • Annual CMS version upgrades
  • Monthly full-site backup and storage

Full web maintenance

$450 / month
Send me a proposal
  • Quarterly CMS security patches
  • Daily security scan
  • Up to 3 hours of design or development time

After-hours maintenance

$4,500 / month
Send me a proposal
  • Quarterly CMS security patches
  • Urgent CMS support/restore
  • Up to 5 hours of design or development time

Web Maintenance Services Built for Your Business

With an ever increasing rate of online presence, it is of importance to have solid, attractive and user friendly websites. Users, nowadays, are very reluctant to stay or come back to a site unless it works fast and its features meet their demand. They visit your site, explore your product and get a first impression of your site , so the first impression is what will decide your product sales or company’s expansion,

As a partner, we always come up with a range of facilities for you and provide you with the best possible solutions. It’s our utmost pleasure to take up the responsibility of your site . We ensure your site has everything needed to hold a visitor and make the visitor come back.

We have a dedicated team for web maintenance that will ensure your sites running free of bugs.

Are you ready to dive head-first into website maintenance? Contact us online to chat with an experienced strategist from our website maintenance team about keeping your website in tip-top shape around the clock.

We get it — sometimes you want to speak straight to the source. To speak with a Digital Marketing Specialist about our marketing services, feel free to give us a call at:


Our WebFX marketer has personally undertaken to learn our business and our goals and it shows in the quality of service they provide to us. Each member of the team that we have had interaction with has been eager to help make our website, and consequently our business, the best it can be. WebFX is truly an extension of our team, providing expertise in areas where we do not specialize.`` Financial Planner.

Financial Planner

Website maintenance plans and pricing

Our website maintenance services include two customizable plans:

Monthly plans

Hourly plans

Monthly website maintenance packages

Are you thinking of taking a more suitable and flexible package? We are aware that our clients may need flexibility in our packages, so we offer packages that will fit your business . We make sure you have secured , up-to-date and workable sites . View our monthly site maintenance plans and prices:

Features Security Patch & CMS Plan Full Web Maintenance Plan After-Hours
Website Updates M-F 8a-5p EST
Design or Development Hours $150/hour Up to 3 hours of design or development time included per month Up to 5 hours of design or development time included per month
Quarterly CMS Security patches
Annual CMS Version Upgrades
Daily Security Scan
Urgent CMS support/restore if website is hacked
Monthly full-site backup and storage at 3rd party location (for easy restore)
Online customer support system
What's This?

When you email your website update batch to our online customer support system, your website updates are automatically posted to the to-do list of one of our dedicated website designers. You'll be able to log in at any time to view the status of your updates, set a priority level, edit your request and more.

300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results
Turnaround Time Clients on maintenance plans receive priority issue ticketing Clients on maintenance plans receive priority issue ticketing Clients on maintenance plans receive priority issue ticketing
WordPress CMS quarterly upgrades/security patches
What's This?

Security is of the utmost importance in these times. If your site has a shopping cart, content management system, or other software package installed, it needs to be upgraded frequently to protect you against site vulnerabilities.

What is a security patch?

A security patch is a piece of software designed to fix problems or update a website. This includes fixing security vulnerabilities and ensuring code and plugin quality.

Why security patches are so important:

  • In the past two years, Web malware has grown 140%
  • Hacked sited can lead to identify theft, DDoS attacks, spam distribution, etc.
  • Without it you risk revenue and customer loss
  • Patches prevent malware infections including: backdoors, drive-by downloads, pharma hacks, and malicious redirects Wordpress popularity. If a hacker can find a way into one Wordpress website, they can potentially access millions of other websites as well.
WooCommerce Support
25% Discount on ADA Compliance Plans
Monthly Investment $200 $450 $4,500
Need more information? Call Us: +8801736169522

Hourly website maintenance packages

If your company doesn’t need the routine maintenance of a monthly package, we also offer web maintenance services on an hourly basis. These plans include the same deliverables as our monthly package, but you’re charged an hourly rate.

Browse our hourly website maintenance plans and prices:

Features Design & Support Internet Marketing Development
Billing Billed in 30-min. increments Billed in 30-min. increments Billed in 30-min. increments
Minimum Service Request 1 hour 1 hour 1.5 hours
Online Customer Support System
Rates $100/hour $100/hour $125/hour
Need more information? Call Us: +8801736169522

All plans are subject to service provider approval. Customers, who exceed their allotted max tickets per plan more than three times a year, will be automatically updated to the next plan tier.

What do website maintenance services include?

As a part of our website maintenance services, your company receives access to the following:

  • Regular updates
  • Tech support
  • WordPress maintenance

Regular updates

Our dedicated team members will keep you updated on a regular basis and keep your website functional and secured for users. Our team is ready to complete tasks needed to be done in no time. Whether you are looking for a small task like adding a new image or complex analysis, our team will do everything immediately.

For a quick summary, here are some examples of updates included in our packages:

  1. Text: Additions or deletions.
  2. Photos: Additions, deletions, and basic retouching.
  3. Pages: Additions or deletions using existing page design.
  4. Navigation: Basic navigational changes (add, move, or delete an item in the navigation).
  5. File downloads: Additions or deletions of PDFs and other documents.
  6. Videos: Insertion or deletion of a pre-edited video.
  7. Links: Additions or deletions.
  8. Color and background images: Changes or replacements.

If you have questions about regular updates, feel free to contact us online for more information.

This is an example of services included in the website maintenance plans and is not a complete list.

Tech support

We understand that you often need tech support, so we enable our clients to get access to our stellar tech support as a part of website maintenance plans. Your business can take help for all sorts of tech problems .

Apart from tech support, you can also submit a request for consultation which will enable you to learn more about the tech world . Our team of experts is more than happy to answer any questions you might have in your mind.

WordPress maintenance

Are you worrying about your existing Wordpress maintenance ? We are here to sort it out as plans include Wordpress support. As a part of your package, you will enjoy the benefit of our WordPress maintenance services such as upgrades and security issues related service.

What regular updates do website maintenance services include?

It can be sometimes confusing to understand what a regular website service includes; however, we ensure everything you need to run a well-secured website for users. Sometimes you might want to know “What do regular updates mean. Well, examples of typical website are as follows:

  • Overall site improvements
  • Product or service updates
  • Online specials
  • Interactivity maintenance

Overall site improvements

It is of importance to ensure that your website performs well as otherwise your visitor might find it irritating and time consuming. The best appraisal comes from your visitors when they enjoy it and make valuable comments and feedback about your site although there might be some comments about yours site’s issues. With our routine check, we ensure your site is working well and we enhance your site’s performance by regular maintenance service.

Product or service updates

With the growth of your site, it’s inevitable that your products, services, and prices adapt to new ones. That’s why businesses demand a consistent schedule and process for updating old products, changing existing service prices, and more.

With website maintenance, you keep your company website updated for users. This proactive step benefits your business in multiple ways, enabling you to offer the latest products, services, and rates to streamline the user shopping experience.

Regular updates provide shoppers with the latest product and service information

Accurate information and regular updates help develop a solid and lasting relationship with your visitors which is of importance when it comes to making business deals.

Online specials

If you’re an ecommerce company, it’s essential to update your website with your latest sales, promotions, and more. Even if your company operates offline, you can offer specials online that drive users to call your team, visit your location, or schedule an appointment.

When your company provides special promotions, discount programs, and more, you keep your business competitive. Short-term and long-term sales initiatives require updates to your site. Website maintenance services enable you to strengthen your sales with unique offers for shoppers.

Interactivity maintenance

With the advanced development of technology and increasing number of online presence of customers on different electronic devices, we understand that your site needs to be compatible across all platforms. We understand that otherwise your site might lose credibility .

Outdated interactive features cause shoppers to leave your site, which stops you from earning additional clients and revenue

Issues with your website's interactive features can also cause high bounce rate which refers to the percentage of people leaving your site without a visit and often indicates that your website isn’t delivering on user expectations.

Website maintenance fine-tunes your site to make sure your site’s interactive features functionable. Our team of experts consistently work to replace any outdated items and improve your website’s functionality. Keeping your site always updated and functionable with all devices can enhance the reputation of your brand.

What don’t website maintenance services include?

Choosing the right package for web maintenance can be sometimes tricky, especially if you are going to do it for the first time. Our service department will help you understand everything you need to know before you go for a package.

For reference, here are a few examples of what you won’t find with website maintenance services:

  • Navigation redesign
  • Media creation
  • Media edits
  • Content writing
  • New site functionality
  • Site redesigns
  • Interactive features
  • SEO

Get the best website maintenance services for your business

If you’re searching for a trusted website maintenance company with a track record of satisfied clients, choose Batirkol. We have an excellent record in website maintenance let along the fact that we charge a very reasonable fee.

Call us at +8801736169522 or contact us online to learn more about our website maintenance services!

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Let's work Together

We are very excited to work with you and deal with your new project. We will never leave waiting hours after hours for a simple email. Our staff will reply to you back as soon as they receive your inquiry. At Batirkol, you will find everything very comfortable.